Climate&Health.NRW – How climate change affects human health

The Climate&Health.NRW lighthouse is dedicated to the topic of the effects of climate change on health.

Global climate change is already well advanced. Depending on the scenario, different degrees of warming can be expected. Even in the scenarios with a small increase in average temperature, it can be assumed that climate change will also have a significant impact on human health. Possible effects on human health caused by climate change include, for example

  • the increased occurrence of zoonoses, new infectious agents and changed areas of spread (e.g. malaria in Europe),
  • the increase in antimicrobial resistance and, as a result, multi-resistant pathogens,
  • the effects of extreme weather events and heat waves on health
  • the effects of a changed plant and fungal world with implications for allergies and mycoses, and
  • other, as yet unforeseeable effects of the changed environment on health.

Based on these topics, there is a need to generate further findings in research and development. At the same time, however, the transfer of existing findings into application remains a challenge. This includes topics such as

  • the implementation of primary prevention measures in the healthcare system and in public health promotion,
  • the transformation of the healthcare system into a climate-resilient system in terms of processes and procedures as well as structures and infrastructures,
  • the development of forward-looking measures that anticipate future developments and can thus address them in line with requirements, and
  • the health-promoting design of living environments and living spaces.

The Climate&Health.NRW lighthouse was created to support networking in this key future field and to bring together the already excellent players in many areas in NRW in a powerful state-wide network.

Teilnehmer:innen der ersten Sitzung der Steuerungsgruppe im Leuchtturm Climate&Health.NRW (23.04.2024) v.l.n.r.: Patrick Guidato (Medizin.NRW), Benjamin Kaluza (Fraunhofer INT), Markus Kühlert (Wuppertal Institut für Klima, Umwelt, Energie gGmbH), Christa Büker (Hochschule Bielefeld), Sebastian Eilebrecht (Fraunhofer IME), Alina Herrmann (UK Köln, Institut für Allgemeinmedizin), Claudia Schwenzer (Kassenärztliche Vereinigung Westfalen-Lippe), Thomas Kraus (UK Aachen, Institut für Arbeits-, Sozial- und Umweltmedizin), Susanne Moebus	UK Essen (Institut für Urban Public Health)
Participants in the first meeting of the steering group in the Climate&Health.NRW lighthouse on April 23, 2024 (from left to right): Patrick Guidato (Medizin.NRW), Benjamin Kaluza (Fraunhofer INT), Markus Kühlert (Wuppertal Institut für Klima, Umwelt, Energie gGmbH), Christa Büker (Hochschule Bielefeld), Sebastian Eilebrecht (Fraunhofer IME), Alina Herrmann (UK Köln, Institut für Allgemeinmedizin), Claudia Schwenzer (Kassenärztliche Vereinigung Westfalen-Lippe), Thomas Kraus (UK Aachen, Institut für Arbeits-, Sozial- und Umweltmedizin), Susanne Moebus (UK Essen, Institut für Urban Public Health).
© Medizin.NRW

What is the Climate&Health.NRW Lighthouse?

The Climate&Health.NRW Lighthouse brings together experts from various disciplines and organizations (companies, research institutes, university hospitals, universities, networks). The lighthouse thus forms

  • a common umbrella for strategic topics,
  • the starting point for position papers and white papers,
  • the framework for joint events and
  • the basis for joint projects.

We also operate lighthouses on other cross-sectional topics of innovative medicine. You can find out which lighthouses exist and which topics they cover on our lighthouse overview page.

The lighthouse will be dedicated to various topics of biohybrid medicine. Central questions, which are in the focus of the lighthouse, will be identified and prioritized by the participants. If you have suggestions for topics or would like to contribute, you are cordially invited to do so. Simply send us an e-mail.

Leuchtturm Climate&Health.NRW
The Climate&Health.NRW Lighthouse

Are you looking for cooperation partners for research projects, technology transfer or clinical studies?

As Cluster Medizin.NRW, we support players:

  • from NRW in the search for cooperation partners in NRW and with our worldwide network.
  • from Germany or abroad in the search for cooperation partners in NRW.

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