Together with its stakeholders, the Cluster Medizin.NRW develops, initiates and supports so-called lighthouses. These lighthouses serve as central networking and organizational platforms and form:
- a common umbrella for strategic topics,
- the starting point for position papers and white papers,
- the framework for joint events and
- the basis for joint projects.
The establishment of lighthouses is based on the results of our strategy process and is also in line with the recommendations of the German Council of Science and Humanities. A relatively broad thematic lineup of lighthouses enables a wide range of stakeholders to participate and network.
Specific projects in lighthouses
Lighthouses are oriented toward overarching themes and regularly generate specific projects by participating actors. To this end, project groups are formed to advance and pursue a specific topic.
Information and exchange formats
Lighthouses establish information and exchange formats on relevant topics in the field of lighthouses in order to promote networking and make actors from NRW even more visible in the national and international environment.

Current lighthouses of the cluster
Start: 2020
Topics: Clinical research & clinical trials in hospitals and in the private practice sector
Short description:
The KliFoNet.NRW lighthouse is dedicated to topics of clinical research in NRW. It addresses both the exchange of knowledge and networking as well as the general conditions of clinical research in NRW.
Start: 2021
Topics: Digital medicine, telemedicine, AI, smart hospital, health apps, and more
Short description:
The Digitale.Medizin.NRW lighthouse addresses the trend and future topics of digital medicine. The lighthouse supports interdisciplinary networking and addresses the framework conditions for digital innovations in medicine.

Start: 2022
Topics: Aging research, healthy aging, health in old age, and more
Short description:
The Lighthouse Alternsmedizin.NRW is dedicated to the central demographic challenge of health over the life course and in old age. It serves as a central anchor point for geriatric medicine in NRW and offers networking and strategic projects.
Start: Januar 2023
Topics: Biohybrid medicine, bioprinting, biofunctional materials, and more.
Short description:
The Biohybrid.NRW lighthouse was launched in January 2023. It serves as a central exchange and networking platform for stakeholders in the interdisciplinary field of biohybrid medicine in NRW.